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Room Offers
Direct Booking Special Offer
Direct Booking Special Offer

We offer this exclussive discount only on our website to guarantee our guest get our best offer.

Paycation Deals
Paycation Deals

Unlock the ultimate getaway with J Icon Hip Hotel Balikpapan's Paycation Deals. Enjoy an exclusive 30% discount and experience a rejuvenating escape like never before.

Jebol Stay 2 Pay 1
Jebol Stay 2 Pay 1

Stay stylish and modern at J Icon Hip Hotel Balikpapan with unbeatable value, including two nights for the price of one and complimentary amenities.

Experience the ultimate urban lifestyle, and chic designed hotel in the center city of Balikpapan. Eat, Stay and Play, a simple slogan to have a rich experience while staying and have an ultimate fun.